Welcome to Sitabai Arts Commerce & Science College
It is one of the oldest in Vidarbha, bringing the stream of knowledge to this part of India since pre-Independence period. From the very beginning this college has been playing a major role in providing quality education to the weaker sections and the needy citizens of this region so that they may come up as economically and socially capable class of society. In its existence of seven decades the college has produced a fairly large number of scholars, teachers, administrators, judges, advocates, political leaders, and whole generations of enlightened individuals who have enriched the society variously and are still contributing to its proper growth and development.
By assigning due importance to cultural activities along with academic ones, we aim at moulding our students into sensible and considerate civilians of the future. In the fields of sports, N.C.C., N.S.S., extension work also we have commendable achievements to our claim. One distinguished feature of this college in recent years is the induction of Urdu and Persian Literatures in its teaching program. Another such course in Functional Marathi, English has been started to serve the much felt need of the vernacular students.
In a word, our college is a premier institution imparting valuable contribution in the fields of literature, fine arts, and social sciences etc.